Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 | 12:00PM – 1:00PM


Present: Louise Brown-Vice-Chair, Laurie Severson, Jeane Conrad, Kay Gunter

Absent: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Gabby Meador, Corie Dow-Kramer

Guests Present:

Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold

Introductions and Icebreaker: Louise presided over the meeting in Michael’s absence and welcomed the attendees

Additions to Agenda- Corie sent out an email stating that she is on the board of a small local nonprofit that is planning to dissolve and would like to know the board’s interest in sharing their 501C3 status. This idea was introduced to the present board members, and they showed agreement in finding out more about this inquiry.

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.

07-2022 CCN Minutes (draft)

08-2022 Treasurer’s Report

08-2022 Red Canoe statement

Louise provided the board with an explanation of the line items on the treasurer report and answered questions from the board.

Motion: Jeane motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Laurie seconded, and the motion carried.

Old Business

New Business

Community Foundation grant application submitted on 8/31, award decisions being made beginning of November

Firstenburg Foundation grant application submitted on 9/14 -Grant award decisions will be made by October 14, 2022

Finance Committee meeting scheduled for October 4th @10am to develop 2023 budget

Reschedule Advocacy Campaign Charter meeting-week of October 17th

Please email any agenda ideas by Monday, September 26th

Invites will be sent out Oct 3rd

Laurie suggested holding the meeting via Zoom or in a hybrid format to increase a ttendance along with utilizing the ideas board link in the chat for people to communicate more effectively and possibly have breakout sessions. The board liked the idea of scheduling the Charter meeting on the 18th from 12-1pm after a short board meeting at 11:30am

Scheduling conscious discipline book club (Nov-Dec)

Provide trainings for Progress Center and/or Chinook Station-Kara at Progress Center is speaking with her staff about the type of training they would be interested in. Laurie provided insight on providing a training tailored to the 0-3 age group and focusing on attachment and a Safe Place.

Community Events

Kalama Back to School event that Rochelle and Louise attended on August 25th was a great networking event

Youth and Family Link- event updates: Wallace Neighborhood Center opening- Laurie and Jeane shared about this center which has 2 ECEAP classrooms open and will have a garden put in by LCSG.

Safe Kids Day, September 24th, 10am-12pm

Early Learning Conference coming up- October 8th, 8am-12:30pm-Laurie shared about this event and that 59 people have registered and are hoping to get 100 signed up by October 1st.

National Fatherhood Initiative’s “Father Friendly Check-Up”

Zoom meetings coming up on 9/22 and October 27th

Partnering with Sabrina and United Way’s kindergarten readiness program: survey to gather data and recruit Parent & Caregiver Advisory Groups

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18th, 2022, 1130am-1pm

*Rochelle to contact newspaper to have public meeting time/place corrected