Cowlitz County Community Network Board Meeting

Cowlitz County Administration Building Annex 2nd Floor Conference Room

July 15, 2020, 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present: Michael O’Neill, Kay Gunter, Louise Brown, Tiffany Ames

Present by Phone: Olivia Aumiller

Excused: Laurie Severson            

Unexcused: None           

Quorum: Yes

Staff: Amber Rosewood

Additions to Agenda

There were no additions to the agenda.

Welcome and Introductions

Michael welcomed those present, thanked everyone for their participation and introduced the new coordinator. Gathering guidelines were observed and seating allowed for social distancing. 

June 17, 2020 Minutes and Updates

The Board meeting minutes were sent to members for their review prior to the meeting. Of the four action items listed, three were completed. The item to invite the Community Foundation Program Officer to the Board meeting on July 15th was postponed allowing for the transition of the coordinator and additional board discussion.

Motion to approve the June 17, 2020 Board meeting minutes as presented (Tiffany); second (Kay). The vote was unanimous, and the motion carried.

Approval of Expenditures

The Itemized Voucher amounting to $3,019.36 was presented to the Board for review and approval. The bills presented were:

Invoice 343-2020              

Cowlitz County Purchasing Svc Phone, May 2020                     $19.36

Invoice 2020 7T                

Cowlitz County Treasurer, Aug Payroll/Processing             $3,000.00

Payroll for the period June 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 was $3008.75, which includes the cost of the payroll and associated employer costs. Payroll processing charges were $54.66. As of June 30, 2020, the balance in the checking account used for payroll and payroll processing was $3,073.82. All other Network funds are held with the Cowlitz County Treasurer’s Office.

Motion to approve the voucher as presented (Louise); second (Tiffany). The vote was unanimous, and the motion carried. 

Grant Status Report

Cowlitz County Health & Human Services Financial Literacy        

Grant: $10,000

Financial Literacy Training                                                                            

July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021        

Amount expended through June 30, 2020: $9,060                             

Amount reimbursed: $9,925

The Financial Literacy funding is for training at-risk youth and families who are financially vulnerable. The training topics are geared to the audience and may include Bank on It, Setting Financial Goals, Borrowing Basics, Saving for Cars/College/Housing and more depending on the participants. Due to Covid-19 health and safety guidelines, and the cancellation of school, the Network is not able to continue in person training.  The Network sends Financial Literacy emails to community partners and families, including lessons for children, and information on budgeting and credit for adults. The emails have received excellent response and will continue after the Covid-19 pandemic. The Board will allocate time at the next meeting to discuss additional engagement opportunities.

  • ACTION: Prepare a draft roadmap for FL grant during the Covid-19 pandemic for Board discussion. (Amber)

Cowlitz County Health & Human Services Behavioral Health      

Grant: $22,900

Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care           

July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2021

Amount expended through June 30, 2020: $11,129                           

Amount reimbursed: $9,736

The Behavioral Health funding provides technical assistance and training for childcare providers who serve children with behavioral issues and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges. Due to Covid-19 health and safety guidelines, the Network is not able to continue in person training. The Network sends Behavioral Health best practice emails to community partners, child care providers and families. The emails have received excellent response and will continue after the Covid-19 pandemic. The Board will allocate time at the next meeting to discuss additional engagement opportunities.

  • ACTION: Prepare a draft roadmap for BH grant during the Covid-19 pandemic for Board discussion. (Amber)

Community Foundation of SW WA Behavioral Health Grant       

Grant: $25,000

Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care           

Awarded December 2019

The Behavioral Health funding provides technical assistance and training for childcare providers who serve children with behavioral issues and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges. Work on this grant started, but due to Covid-19 health and safety guidelines, the Network is not able to continue in person book clubs, groups or trainings. The Network sends Behavioral Health best practice emails to community partners, child care providers and families. The emails have received excellent response and will continue after the Covid-19 pandemic. Board members met on June 22nd to create a roadmap forward. The Community Foundation Program Officer has expressed interest in keeping in touch with the Network and the work on the grant.

  • ACTION: Invite the Community Foundation Program Officer to a Network Board meeting. (Amber)

WA Department of Commerce Child Care Partnership Grant

Child Care Access Report                                                                             

Award Announcements Pending

The WA Dept. of Commerce is soliciting two rounds of applications to support local partnerships to develop action plans that stabilize and expand child care capacity for underserved areas and for historically marginalized communities. Grants will be awarded up to $100,000 and applications for round one awards were due on June 13, 2020. The Network submitted a proposal requesting funds to supplement the work of the Cowlitz Community Charter as outlined in the 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives. The proposal included letters of support from the Longview School District, Youth and Family Link and the Children’s Discovery Museum. Award announcements are expected on July 24, 2020. Updated Award Announcement date is August 3, 2020.

  • ACTION: Send completed grant application to the Board. (Amber)  

Upcoming Events

Olivia said Youth and Family Link will be hosting a back to school backpack distribution on August 7, 2020 and invited the Network to provide a flyer for distribution.

  • Prepare a flyer with information regarding the Network and how to sign up for Financial Literacy emails. (Amber)

Board Action Items

There were no Board Actions Items assigned.

Staff Action Items

  1. Prepare a draft roadmap for FL and BH grants during the Covid-19 pandemic for Board discussion.
  2. Invite the Community Foundation Program Officer to a Network Board meeting.
  3. Send completed Child Care Partnership grant application to the Board.
  4. Prepare a flyer with information regarding the Network and how to sign up for FL emails.

Next Meeting: TBD pending Board member survey