Board Minutes 5/17/2022

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 | 12:00PM – 1:00PM


Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Jeane Conrad

Absent: Gabby Meador, Corie Dow-Kramer, Laurie Severson

Guests Present:

Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold

Introductions and Icebreaker

Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation. Everyone participated in the icebreaker question.

Additions to Agenda

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.

04-2022 CCN Minutes (draft)

Motion: Jeane motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Louise seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800

7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.

Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.

Program Activities: The Network has scheduled virtual learning Conscious Discipline sessions for childcare providers and families on the fourth Thursday of the month, January – June 2022, from 6-7:30pm.

Program Updates: There were 3 attendees at the April session and the feedback for the session was excellent. 2 participants received $50 Conscious Discipline gift cards and the 3rd participant received a CD book for attending.

Old Business

90 day check in- training review scheduled for May 24th @ 9am with Michael, Corie, and Louise at Y&F. Sharon will be joining the group at 10am to discuss new grant project ideas

New Business

Michael explained and motioned to approve updating Red Canoe payroll account: Amber Rosewood has resigned and needs to be removed from the online account and Michael O’Neil, board chair, added as the governing bank account holder. Kay Gunter has resigned from the board and needs to be removed from the account and Rochelle Fassold, the program coordinator, added as the primary online account user. Louise motioned to approve, 2nd by Jeane and the motion carried.

Signed __________________________________

Michael O’Neill, board chair

To do: Rochelle to call Red Canoe and make arrangements to get account updated

Next Audit due 5/30/2022 (Rochelle and Amber are scheduled to complete on Wed, May 18th)

A meeting with the Community Charter to discuss new project grant ideas will be scheduled for June 30th, details of getting the meeting set up will be further discussed on Tues, 5/24. Michael will bring a tentative agenda for discussion topics, like revisiting what we’ve learned and the data from the childcare survey, and a plan to address current issues. Discuss setting up community forum in the Fall to raise awareness and partnerships and how we can all work together with representatives in our government to fix the issues.

NEW GRANT idea was discussed, and the board is in favor of supporting FFN

Community Foundation of SW Washington – Focus Grant Cycle 2 applications open July 15th, closes August 31st

Project idea: Help children succeed in school by helping those providing Family, Friend, and Neighbor care by providing resources for caregivers and learning activities for children

Ideas for how to identify these families were discussed: reaching out to Youth and Family Link resource coordinators and Rochelle attending parent groups, connecting with FCRC at the school districts, Cowlitz Tribe, Library story times, PeaceHealth social work programs

Community Events

Woodland School District- 2nd annual Hispanic resource fair. The event will be in-person, outside on May 24th from 3-6pm

Children’s Discovery Museum, Wed, May 18th, 11am-4pm, Soft re-opening

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21st, 2022, from 12-1pm.

Board Minutes 4/19/2022

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 | 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Laurie Severson, Gabby Meador, Corie Dow-Kramer; Jeane Conrad Guests Present: Chelsea Pugh, Gayle Reid Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold

Introductions and Icebreaker

Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation. Everyone participated in the icebreaker question.

Additions to Agenda

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.

03-2022 CCN Minutes (draft)

04-2022 Treasurer’s Report

04-2022 Red Canoe statement

Motion: Gabby motioned to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Louise seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800

7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.

Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.

Program Activities: The Network has scheduled virtual learning Conscious Discipline sessions for childcare providers and families on the fourth Thursday of the month, January – June 2022, from 6-7:30pm.

Program Updates: Michael and Rochelle informed the group that no one showed up for the March session. Rochelle let board members know that participants were followed up with and received confirmation from 5 people about attending the next 3 classes. In addition, the BH class flyer was reposted on Facebook, and distributed to other early learning centers including Nook’s and Granny’s in Kalama and EOCF Woodland. Rochelle will email flyer to Gayle Reid.

Old Business

Staff Transition

New Program Coordinator Training Schedule update- 90 day check in- training review scheduled for May 24th @ 9am with Michael, Corie, Jeane, and Louise at Y&F


Rochelle removed all items from annex building storage except 6 boxes of locked personnel files -discussed

WOYC event report: Corie provided an update

Approx 300 bags were distributed at the event with CCN flyers in them

250 reusable CCN logo bags are at Y&F to be used for next year’s event

New Business

Next Audit due 5/30/2022 (Rochelle and Amber are scheduled to work on it May 9th)

New grant ideas and goals

According to survey data the top needs of childcare providers are affordability and availability (including extended before and after school hours and weekends) and staffing shortages

Ideas for using the survey data already collected to offer solutions- Subsidizing childcare for employees, outreach to connect with parents and childcare providers, community awareness

Help searching and applying for new grants: Rochelle has been emailing Sharon Weinhold about getting help to secure and write our next grant. Sharon is happy to help if it is in person in town. When they meet, they will discuss applying for a grant from the Community Foundation of SW Washington.

Ideas discussed: The board agreed upon the need to regroup and talk about possible next steps and project direction. To help facilitate this Michael encouraged getting another community charter meeting set up. Focusing on partnering with larger organizations to provide needed resources and/or training to early learning centers, teachers, schools, families, home providers, and family caregivers. Assessing what centers need to be successful, retain and support teachers and paying special attention to the long-term impact of the COVID pandemic. Plans will be discussed in more detail about reaching out to the early learning providers, setting up focus and parent groups, and raising more attention to the government about making a positive impact.

Ideas for virtual training incentives, $500 to spend:

Gift cards for coffee or Conscious Discipline store

Children’s CD books to give out to parents as incentives for providing information

Have a drawing for each CD session to win a CD book

Purchasing CD flip calendars or skills on a string tip cards for teachers

Michael and Rochelle will plan a follow-up discussion about purchasing incentives to use for the remainder of the BH grant. Consensus was to spend $100 per class on a CD website gift card(s) as a drawing give away. Leaving $200 to spend on purchasing books (Shubert and Sophie) to give out to centers or families.


Partnering with EOCF Woodland-Rochelle is visiting with the site director Amie on April 20th

Community Events


Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 17th, 2022, from 12-1pm

Board Minutes 3/15/2022

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

Tuesday, March 15, 2022 | 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Laurie Severson, Gabby Meador, Corie Dow-Kramer; Guests Present: Chelsea Pugh, Gayle Reid Staff Present: Rochelle Fassold

Introductions and Icebreaker

Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation.

Additions to Agenda

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.

01-2022 CCN Minutes

02-2022 CCN Minutes

03-2022 Funds Status Report

03-2022 Expense Report

February Transactions

ADP Payroll Fees $ 50.66

Dell Laptop $ 733.99

Hiscox Insurance $ 51.66

Cowlitz County Administration Print Shop & Voicemail Services $ 118.19

February Account Balances

Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16

Red Canoe Checking $ 3,484.58

Cowlitz County Treasurer $ 45,804.41

Motion: Corie moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Gabby seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800

7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.

Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.

Program Activities: The Network has scheduled virtual learning sessions for child care providers and families on the fourth Thursday of the month, January – June 2022, from 6-7:30pm.

Program Updates: Michael let the group know that three attendees participated in the BH continuing education and that there was a new presenter from Head Start.

Old Business

Rochelle will work with the CWCOG to get the remaining things from storage and she has the remote office items.

New Business

The 2020 audit has been completed by the Washington State Auditor’s Office and the cost is approximately $500.00. The next audit report will be due on May 30, 2022.

The Network has been invited to participate in the Week of the Young Child. The registration form has been submitted and Rochelle will connect with the coordinators to drop off bags and flyers.

The group talked about a workplan for Rochelle including which topics to learn, tasks to work on and additional trainings.

Community Events

Father’s Matters event, March 26th

Perinatal Mental Health Screening and Referrals

Early Learning Coalition meeting, March 18th

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, 2022, from 11:30am-1pm.

Board Minutes 2/15/2022

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

 Tuesday, February 15, 2022 | 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Laurie Severson, Corie Dow-Kramer;

Guests Present: Chelsea Pugh, Gayle Reid

Introductions and Icebreaker

Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation.

Additions to Agenda

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.

  • 02-2022 Funds Status Report
  • 02-2022 Expense Report

January Transactions

ADP                                                            Wage Pay                                                          $     461.68

ADP                                                            Wage Tax                                                          $       79.33

ADP                                                            Payroll Fees                                                       $       10.00

ADP                                                            Payroll Fees                                                       $       60.90

Hiscox                                                        Insurance                                                           $       51.66

January Account Balances

Red Canoe Savings                    $        10.16

Red Canoe Checking                 $   4,320.83

Cowlitz County Treasurer           $ 44,322.26

Motion: Corie moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Louise seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800

7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022:  To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.

Old Business

The new program coordinator Rochelle Fassold was introduced and welcomed. A tentative training schedule has been planned and updates have been submitted to WA L&I.

A Dell laptop was purchased. MorePower is transitioning the accounts and setting up the device.

Michael has the remote office supplies and equipment. Louise and Rochelle will work with the CWCOG to get the remaining things from storage.

New Business

The 2020 audit has been completed by the Washington State Auditor’s Office and the cost is approximately $500.00. The next audit report will be due on May 30, 2022.

The Network has been invited to participate in the Week of the Young Child. Further information will be presented at the next meeting.

Community Events

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 15, 2022, from 11:30am-1pm.

Board Minutes 12/14/2021

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting

 Tuesday, December 14, 2021 | 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Jeane Conrad, Laurie Severson, Gabby Meador Guests: Gayle Reid  Staff: Amber Rosewood

Introductions and Icebreaker

Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation.

Additions to Agenda

The Executive Session report for 11/16/21 was added to Old Business.

Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.

  • 11-2021 Board Meeting Minutes Draft
  • 12-2021 Funds Status Report
  • 12-2021 Expense Report

October Transactions

Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $  3,000.00

ADP Wage Pay $  2,385.89

ADP Tax $     857.93

ADP Payroll Fees $       10.00

ADP Payroll Fees $       50.66  

Hiscox Insurance  $       51.66

Amazon FL Event Raffle Items $     109.54

Amazon Printer Paper & Toner $       40.51

Facebook MoneySmart Training Ads $       29.98                                     

10/31/21 Account Balances

Red Canoe Savings                    $        10.16

Red Canoe Checking                 $      858.23

Cowlitz County Treasurer           $ 48,351.43

Motion: Jeane moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Gabby seconded and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports

Financial Literacy | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $5,000

7/1/2021 – 12/31/2021: To provide financial literacy training for youth and families in Cowlitz County.

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800

7/1/2021-6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County

Old Business

Louise and Michael presented the Draft 2022 Operating Budget and led members in discussion.

Motion: Louise moved to approve the 2022 Operating Budget as presented, Gabby seconded, and the motion carried.

Michael provided a report from the Executive Session held on November 19th including information about Amber’s performance review. Amber was thanked for her work on the Child Care Partnership Grant and recognized for improving the Network’s visibility online.

New Business

Members discussed the upcoming program coordinator staff transition and approved the 2021 Program Coordinator Job Description. Amber will add the job posting to the website, social media, and newsletter. Michael will draft an email to community partners with the job description. Members made suggestions for the Transition List and Amber will make updates and send out to the board for review. Jeane, Louise, and Laurie volunteered to help with resume reviews and interviews.

The Governing Person on the Network’s business license will be changed from the program coordinator Amber Rosewood to the board chair Michael O’Neill. Amber and Michael will complete and submit the paperwork to the WA Department of Revenue.

Kay Gunter, Vice Chair of the Network Board has resigned from her position. Kay was the Board’s Authorized Representative for the business checking account at Red Canoe Credit Union and Michael O’Neill, Board Chair will replace her. Kay and Michael will schedule a time to meet at the credit union to process the change in person.

Motion: Laurie moved to approve changes to the Network’s accounts as presented, Louise seconded, and the motion carried.

Members discussed assigning a new designated person to complete the monthly ADP Payroll tasks and will have a plan in place for processing payroll before the next program coordinator is hired. Michael and Amber will complete the forms to authorize ADP to file quarterly LNI reports and make the tax payments again on behalf of the Network.

Members discussed needed equipment upgrades. Michael and Laurie will work together to choose a new laptop for the Network.

The Network is no longer able to use the storage at the Cowlitz County Annex due to limited space after a flood in the building. There are currently supplies and materials at Amber’s house and the Annex. Members were asked to think of creative storage options or partnerships and Michael will store the items temporarily.

Community Events

Louise is scheduled to be at the HNA Christmas from the Heart craft event on Sunday, December 19, from 1-3pm at the Highlands Community Center, 292 21st Ave, in Longview. More volunteers are welcome to participate.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2021, from 11:30am-1pm.

Board Minutes 11/16/2021

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 | 11:30 – 1:00PM

Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Jeane Conrad, Corie Dow-Cramer,
Gabby Meador Guests: Amanda Davis Staff: Amber Rosewood

Introductions and Icebreaker
Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation.

Additions to Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.

Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.
 10-2021 Board Meeting Minutes Draft
 11-2021 Funds Status Report
 11-2021 Expense Report
 11-2021 FL Project Budget Report

October Transactions
Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
ADP Wage Pay $ 2,305.99
ADP Tax $ 626.41
ADP Payroll Fees $ 10.00
ADP Payroll Fees $ 50.66
Hiscox Insurance $ 51.66
Woodland Action Center CCPG Partner Stipend + Check Fee $ 1,502.00

October Account Balances
Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16
Red Canoe Checking $ 1,308.46
Cowlitz County Treasurer $ 50,059.77

Motion: Corie moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Jeane seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports
Financial Literacy | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $5,000
7/1/2021 – 12/31/2021: To provide financial literacy training for youth and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: (5) 4-part training series and (5) other financial literacy trainings
 Program Activities: The Network partnered with the Highlands Neighborhood Association, Revitalization Association of South Kelso, and Fibre Federal Credit Union to provide a hybrid in-person and virtual MoneySmart for Young People training series on 11/2 and 11/9. The Network also carried out a drive-thru and walk-up activity bag pick up event in Longview and Kelso on 11/5, handing out nearly 100 financial literacy activity bags to families in the Longview Highlands and South Kelso neighborhoods.
 Program Updates: grant funding ends on 12/31/2021 and it is unknown if Doc Recording Fees will be available for Financial Literacy grants next year. CCHHS has offered to add the Network to their new resource guide, but board members decided against it not knowing if Network will offer a financial literacy program in 2022.

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800
7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.
 Program Activities: The Network will plan and host 6 virtual learning sessions and at least 4 book club sessions for child care providers and families between January and June 2022. Amber will work with Laurie and Jill to schedule Conscious Discipline content and book additional speakers. Michael will connect Amber to Olivia at Care Port as a potential speaker.
 Program Updates: N/A

Child Care Partnership Grant – Cycle 2 Funding | WA Dept of Commerce
TBD: The Network is seeking a continuation of funds for fostering collaborative partnerships to expand child care capacity in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: Award decisions are pending.

Child Care Supports | Community Foundation of Southwest Washington
TBD: The Network is seeking funding to provide continuing education, resources, and technical assistance for formal and informal child care providers, and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: The Network was not chosen to receive funding.

Old Business
Michael led a discussion about the timing of transitioning to a non-profit organization. The board would still like to pursue non-profit status but will be slowing down the process while waiting to hear more about potential child care funding opportunities. Amber will provide a list of non-profit transition tasks and add a transition status update to the regular meeting agenda as a standing item.

New Business

Executive Session
An Executive Session was held to discuss the employee evaluation process and 2022 budget.

Next Meeting
The December meeting will be held one week earlier than regularly scheduled on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 11:30am-1pm by Zoom.

Board Minutes 10/19/21

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 | 11:30 – 1:00PM

Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Jeane Conrad, Corie Dow-Cramer,
Gabby Meador, Laurie Severson Guests: Amanda Davis
Staff: Amber Rosewood

Introductions and Icebreaker
Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation.

Additions to Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.

Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.
 September 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
 October 2021 Funds Status Report
 October 2021 Expense Report

September Transactions
Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
ADP Wage Pay $ 2,363.43
ADP Tax $ 646.84
ADP Payroll Fees $ 10.00
ADP Payroll Fees $ 50.66
WA L&I 3rd Qtr Payment $ 72.77
Hiscox Insurance $ 51.66
Print Shop May Printing Invoice $ 103.30

September Account Balances
Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16
Red Canoe Checking $ 1,307.53
Cowlitz County Treasurer $ 54,509.18

Motion: Corie moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Jeane seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports
Financial Literacy | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $5,000
7/1/2021 – 12/31/2021: To provide financial literacy training for youth and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: (5) 4-part training series and (5) other financial literacy trainings
 Upcoming Activities: The Network is partnering with the Highlands Neighborhood Association, Revitalization Association of South Kelso, and Fibre Federal Credit Union to provide a hybrid in-person and virtual MoneySmart for Young People 3-part series on 10/26, 11/2 and 11/9. The Network is also planning a drive-thru and walk-up activity bag pick up event with community partners on 11/5.
 Program Updates: N/A

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800
7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.
 Upcoming Activities: The Network will plan and host 6 virtual learning sessions and at least 4 book club sessions for child care providers and families between January and June 2022. Amber will work with Laurie and Jill to schedule Conscious Discipline content and book additional speakers.
 Program Updates: N/A

Child Care Partnership Grant – Cycle 2 Funding | WA Dept of Commerce
TBD: The Network is seeking a continuation of funds for fostering collaborative partnerships to expand child care capacity in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: Award decisions are pending.

Child Care Supports | Community Foundation of Southwest Washington
TBD: The Network is seeking funding to provide continuing education, resources, and technical assistance for formal and informal child care providers, and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: Application was accepted on 8/31/21. Award decisions are expected in December.

Old Business

Members of the non-profit transition, board development and finance committees each met once during the month. Members agreed that the board should convene to complete a mission and vision activity prior to moving forward on application for non-profit status. Amber will reach out to executive directors of small non-profit organizations to learn more about their transition.

New Business

A budget was presented to the board for pre-approval of expenditures for Financial Literacy program activities in October, November, and December.

Motion: Louise moved to approve the FL Project Budget, Corie seconded, and the motion carried.

Executive Session
Executive Session was postponed.

Next Meeting
Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 11:30am-1pm by Zoom.

Board Minutes 9/21/21

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 | 11:30 – 1:00PM

Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Kay Gunter-Vice Chair, Louise Brown, Jeane Conrad, Corie Dow-Cramer, Gabby Meador, Laurie Severson Guests: Amanda Davis
Staff: Amber Rosewood

Introductions and Icebreaker
Michael welcomed attendees, thanked everyone for their participation.

Additions to Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.

Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.
 July 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
 July/August 2021 Funds Status Report
 July/August 2021 Expense Report

July/August Transactions
Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
ADP Wage Pay $ 2,286.84
ADP Tax $ 619.63
ADP Payroll Fees $ 57.66
Lynn’s Catering Board Retreat $ 107.00
WA L&I 2nd Qtr Payment $ 91.29
More Power Technology Group Software & Programs $ 266.20
Highlands Neighborhood Association CCPG Partner Stipend Payments + Fee $ 2,002.00
Revitalization Assoc. of S.Kelso CCPG Partner Stipend Payments + Fee $ 2,002.00
Youth & Family Link CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 1,000.00
Children’s Discovery Museum CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 1,000.00
Wee Care Daycare CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 1,300.00
Children’s Montessori House of LV CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 500.00
Little Christian Daycare CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 500.00
Kelso Christian Academy CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 1,000.00
Polly’s Tender Loving Daycare CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 1,000.00
Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
Lil’ Red Barn Academy CCPG Partner Stipend Payment $ 1,000.00
Children’s Discovery Museum CCPG Partner Activity Reimbursement $ 464.57
Cowlitz County Print Shop CCPG Printing $ 2,852.75
Hiscox Insurance $ 51.66
Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
ADP Wage Pay $ 2,095.33
ADP Tax $ 551.63
ADP Payroll Fees $ 57.66
Hiscox Insurance $ 103.40
July Account Balances August Account Balances
Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16 Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16
Red Canoe Checking $ 1,296.14 Red Canoe Checking $ 1,430.05
Cowlitz County Treasurer $ 51,624.65 Cowlitz County Treasurer $ 57,973.75

Motion: Corie moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Jeane seconded, and the motion carried.
Grant Status Reports
Financial Literacy | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $5,000
7/1/2021 – 12/31/2021: To provide financial literacy training for youth and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: (5) 4-part training series and (5) other financial literacy trainings
 Upcoming Activities: The Network is partnering with the Highlands Neighborhood Association, Revitalization Association of South Kelso, and Fibre Federal Credit Union to provide a hybrid in-person and virtual MoneySmart for Young Adults training in October and November. The Network is also planning a drive-thru and walk-up activity bag pick up event with community partners.
 Program Updates: The Network and funder have executed a grant amendment in the amount of $5,000 for the period 7/1/2021 – 12/31/2021.

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800
7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.
 Upcoming Activities: The Network will plan and host 6 virtual learning sessions and at least 4 book club sessions for child care providers and families between January and June 2022.
 Program Updates: The Network and funder have executed a grant extension in the amount of $7,800 for the period 7/1/2021 – 6/30/22.

Child Care Partnership Grant – Cycle 2 Funding | WA Dept of Commerce
TBD: The Network is seeking a continuation of funds for fostering collaborative partnerships to expand child care capacity in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: Award decisions are pending.

Child Care Supports | Community Foundation of Southwest Washington
TBD: The Network is seeking funding to provide continuing education, resources, and technical assistance for formal and informal child care providers, and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: Application was accepted on 8/31/21. Award decisions are expected in December.

Old Business
All present were encouraged to recruit new board members.

The Finance Committee presented the 2021 Draft Budget and information about the 2022 Draft Budget proposals.

Motion: Corie moved to approve the 2021 DRAFT Operating Budget, Louise seconded, and the motion carried.

New Business
Amber reported that the first floor of the annex building flooded and the Network’s office space was needed for Cowlitz County staff. Most of the Network’s things have been moved from the out, but there may still be recoverable items from storage.

Amber presented a Strategic Planning Timeline for the transition to a non-profit organization.
Gabby, Corie, and Michael volunteered to serve on an ad hoc committee to help with the transition process.

The Network will schedule a Cowlitz Community Charter Meeting when there is more information about funding opportunities.

Executive Session
Michael closed the regular meeting and opened an Executive Session for Board Members to discuss the 2022 DRAFT Operating Budget.

Next Meeting
Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 11:30am-1pm by Zoom.

Board Minutes 7/21/21

Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 20, 2021 | 11:30 – 1:00PM

Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Kay Gunter-Vice Chair, Louise Brown, Jeane Conrad, Corie Dow-Cramer Staff: Amber Rosewood

Introductions and Icebreaker
Michael welcomed attendees, thanked everyone for their participation, and led an icebreaker.

Additions to Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.

Approval of Minutes
The June Board Minutes were sent to members for their review prior to the meeting.
− Motion: Corie moved to approve the June, 2021 Board meeting minutes as presented, Jeane seconded and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports
June 30, 2021 was the end of the contract period for all of the Network’s current grants.

Financial Literacy | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $10,000
7/1/2020 – 6/30/2021: To provide financial literacy training for youth and families in Cowlitz County.
− Outcomes: (5) 4-part training series and (5) other financial literacy trainings
− Activities: Financial Literacy resources and recorded trainings were provided on the Network website, social media channels, in Newsletters and on printed flyers throughout the reporting period while adhering to COVID-19 safety precautions.
− Updates: Amber will complete and submit the final reporting documents this week. The Network and funder are negotiating a grant extension in the amount of $5,000 for the period 7/1/2021 – 12/31/2021.

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $10,800
7/1/2019 – 6/30/2021: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.
− Outcomes: (6) trainings for child care providers and (4) trainings for families of children
− Activities: 339 participants attended (16) behavioral health trainings completed by the Network during the reporting period. Behavioral Health resources and recorded trainings were provided on the Network website, social media channels, in Newsletters and on printed flyers throughout the reporting period while adhering to COVID-19 safety precautions.
− Updates: Amber will complete and submit the final reporting documents this week. The Network and funder are processing a grant extension in the amount of $10,950 for the period 7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022.

Child Care Partnership Grant | WA Dept of Commerce and the Seattle Foundation
9/23/2020 – 6/30/2021: Fostering collaborative partnerships to expand child care capacity in Cowlitz County.
− Outcomes: Coordination and convening of project partners and community stakeholders; Child Care Access Report, Child Care Access Implementation Plan; Communications Plan.
− Updates: Amber submitted the final reporting documents on July 13th. All grant documents will be summarized and provided to the Board. The funder is considering Round 2 funding with more information to be announced in August. Michael and Corie are engaging in a media campaign to share information about the Child Care Access Report Summary and Survey Results with the public. Amber will send the media talking points out to all board members.

Old Business
A Board Retreat was held on Saturday, July 10th and Michael encouraged those in attendance to share their thoughts and recap the meeting.
− Youth and Family Link will host upcoming Board Meetings to allow for hybrid virtual/in-person attendance.
− The current organizational structure may not be the best fit for future growth and service to the community.
− Choosing the type of organization will help to determine and define the appropriate employee position and job description.
− The Network may be better positioned to accept funding under a different structure and employee role.
− Research steps to apply for non-profit status and update financial documents, policies, procedures, roles, and responsibilities as applicable.
− Create a long-term budget and strategic work plan to achieve progress.
− Build and strengthen existing relationships with school districts.
− Improve and expand partnerships with child care providers and community organizations.

New Business
The Network’s Organizational Structure, Financial Documents, and Budget were topics at the Board Retreat and brought forth for discussion at the Board Meeting.
− Motion: Louise moved to authorize up to 30 hours a week for the Program Coordinator to research and prepare information about changing the Network’s Organizational Structure and updating the Financial Documents and Budget, Corie seconded, and the motion carried.

Financial Report
The Funds Status Report and Expense Report were sent to members for their review prior to the meeting.
− Motion: Corie moved to approve the Expense Report, Kay seconded, and the motion carried.

Monthly Expenses
Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
ADP Payroll $ 3,425.48
ADP Payroll Fees $ 57.66
Conscious Discipline Book Order $ 646.44
Vernie’s Pizza CCPG Incentives/Focus Groups $ 1,100.00
Facebook CCPG Advertising $ 180.64
Dutch Bros CCPG Incentives/Focus Groups $ 600.00
Oriental Trading Company CCPG Incentives/Focus Groups $ 5,973.98
Survey Monkey CCPG Survey Collection $ 107.02
Youth and Family Link CCPG Partner Stipend $ 1,000.00
Youth and Family Link CCPG Supplemental Invoice $ 293.85
Love Overwhelming CCPG Partner Stipend $ 500.00
Progress Center CCPG Supplemental Invoice $ 393.77
Bicoastal Media CCPG Advertising $ 500.00
KLOG/KUKN/WAVE CCPG Advertising $ 400.00
CCN Board Meeting Minutes 3
Month End Account Balances
Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16
Red Canoe Checking $ 3,820.73
Cowlitz County Treasurer $ 55,311.91

Upcoming Community Events
− 7/26 – 8/13 Fill the Canoe: Youth and Family Link will participate in the upcoming Fill the Canoe event in with Red Canoe Credit Union and plan to pack 600 backpacks for local students and distribute an additional 100 to families in their own programs. The Network will participate by providing flyers and help with packing.
− 8/3 National Night Out: The Network is planning to partner with Revitalization-Association of South Kelso (R-ASK) in Kelso and the Highlands Neighborhood Association (HNA) in Longview.
o Kelso – Tam O’ Shanter Park 6-8pm
o Longview – Archie Anderson Park 6-8pm
o Kalama – postponed till 2022
o Castle Rock – TBD
o Woodland – TBD

Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 11:30am-1pm at Youth and Family Link, 907 Douglas St., Longview or attend by Zoom.