Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 | 11:30 – 1:00PM

Present: Michael O’Neill-Chair, Louise Brown, Jeane Conrad, Corie Dow-Cramer,
Gabby Meador Guests: Amanda Davis Staff: Amber Rosewood

Introductions and Icebreaker
Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation.

Additions to Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.

Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda documents were sent to members for review prior to the meeting.
 10-2021 Board Meeting Minutes Draft
 11-2021 Funds Status Report
 11-2021 Expense Report
 11-2021 FL Project Budget Report

October Transactions
Cowlitz County Treasurer Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
ADP Wage Pay $ 2,305.99
ADP Tax $ 626.41
ADP Payroll Fees $ 10.00
ADP Payroll Fees $ 50.66
Hiscox Insurance $ 51.66
Woodland Action Center CCPG Partner Stipend + Check Fee $ 1,502.00

October Account Balances
Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16
Red Canoe Checking $ 1,308.46
Cowlitz County Treasurer $ 50,059.77

Motion: Corie moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Jeane seconded, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports
Financial Literacy | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $5,000
7/1/2021 – 12/31/2021: To provide financial literacy training for youth and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: (5) 4-part training series and (5) other financial literacy trainings
 Program Activities: The Network partnered with the Highlands Neighborhood Association, Revitalization Association of South Kelso, and Fibre Federal Credit Union to provide a hybrid in-person and virtual MoneySmart for Young People training series on 11/2 and 11/9. The Network also carried out a drive-thru and walk-up activity bag pick up event in Longview and Kelso on 11/5, handing out nearly 100 financial literacy activity bags to families in the Longview Highlands and South Kelso neighborhoods.
 Program Updates: grant funding ends on 12/31/2021 and it is unknown if Doc Recording Fees will be available for Financial Literacy grants next year. CCHHS has offered to add the Network to their new resource guide, but board members decided against it not knowing if Network will offer a financial literacy program in 2022.

Behavioral Health | Cowlitz County Health & Human Services | Award $7,800
7/1/2021 – 6/30/2022: To provide technical assistance for child care providers that serve children with behavioral needs in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: 80% of child care centers will have staff participating in at least one training; at least 100 child care provider staff will attend at least one training; at least 6 trainings will be conducted for providers; at least 4 trainings will be conducted for families, share information at least two times per month; at least 100 new subscribers on the distribution list.
 Program Activities: The Network will plan and host 6 virtual learning sessions and at least 4 book club sessions for child care providers and families between January and June 2022. Amber will work with Laurie and Jill to schedule Conscious Discipline content and book additional speakers. Michael will connect Amber to Olivia at Care Port as a potential speaker.
 Program Updates: N/A

Child Care Partnership Grant – Cycle 2 Funding | WA Dept of Commerce
TBD: The Network is seeking a continuation of funds for fostering collaborative partnerships to expand child care capacity in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: Award decisions are pending.

Child Care Supports | Community Foundation of Southwest Washington
TBD: The Network is seeking funding to provide continuing education, resources, and technical assistance for formal and informal child care providers, and families in Cowlitz County.
 Expected Outcomes: TBD
 Upcoming Activities: N/A
 Program Updates: The Network was not chosen to receive funding.

Old Business
Michael led a discussion about the timing of transitioning to a non-profit organization. The board would still like to pursue non-profit status but will be slowing down the process while waiting to hear more about potential child care funding opportunities. Amber will provide a list of non-profit transition tasks and add a transition status update to the regular meeting agenda as a standing item.

New Business

Executive Session
An Executive Session was held to discuss the employee evaluation process and 2022 budget.

Next Meeting
The December meeting will be held one week earlier than regularly scheduled on Tuesday, December 14, 2021, 11:30am-1pm by Zoom.