Cowlitz Community Network Board Meeting
Tuesday, November 17, 2020 | 11:30 – 1:00PM


Present by Phone: Michael O’Neill, Kay Gunter, Louise Brown, Corie Dow-Kramer
Absent: Laurie Severson, Tiffany Ames
Staff: Amber Rosewood

Additions to Agenda
Corie Dow-Kramer, Executive Director of Youth and Family Link submitted an application for Board membership. Corie was in attendance and members were given an opportunity to ask additional questions.

Motion to approve Corie Dow-Kramer to join the Cowlitz Community Network Board (Kay), second (Louise). The vote was unanimous, and the motion carried.

Welcome and Introductions
Michael welcomed attendees and thanked everyone for their participation. A call-in number was provided for Board members and guests.

Minutes and Actions
The October 20, 2020 Board meeting minutes were sent to members for their review prior to the meeting. Of the three action items, three were completed.

Motion to approve the October 20, 2020 Board meeting minutes as presented (Louise), second (Kay). The vote was unanimous, and the motion carried.

Monthly Financials
The November Expense Report and Funds Status Report were sent to members for their review prior to the meeting.

ADP October Payroll $ 2,283.64
ADP October Payroll Fees $ 57.66
Cowlitz County Purchasing Phone $ 12.75
Cowlitz County Treasurer Dec Payroll Transfer $ 3,000.00
WA L&I 3rd Qtr Payment $ 55.94
Youth & Family Link Stipend $ 2,000.00

Account Balances
Red Canoe Savings $ 10.16
Red Canoe Checking $ 5,653.36
Cowlitz County Treasurer $58,016.36
Motion to approve the Expense Report (Kay); second (Louise). The vote was unanimous, and the motion carried.

Grant Status Reports
Cowlitz County Health & Human Services Financial Literacy Grant $10,000
Financial Literacy Training | Jul 1, 2020 – Jun 30, 2021
Current Request: $560.00 | Remaining Balance: $6,963.00

Financial Literacy funding is for training at-risk youth and financially vulnerable families. Training topics are geared to the audience and may include Bank on It, Setting Financial Goals, Borrowing Basics, Saving for Cars/College/Housing, etc. CCN sends Financial Literacy emails to community partners and families, including lessons for children, and information on budgeting and credit for adults.

CCN is currently developing a schedule to offer a five-part Money Smart virtual series for adults and three virtual sessions of Money Smart for youth, in collaboration with community partners and local school districts, to begin in January 2021. Melisa Linden is the new grant manager for the Financial Literacy funding from Cowlitz County Health and Human Services and the first quarter report for the grant was submitted on October 31st.

 ACTION: Finalize Financial Literacy training schedule and partners (Amber)

Cowlitz County Health & Human Services Behavioral Health Grant Yr 3 $10,800
Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care | Jul 1, 2019 – Jun 30, 2021
Current Request: $581.00 | Remaining Balance: $ 7,605.00

Behavioral Health funding provides technical assistance and training for childcare providers who serve children with challenging behavioral needs and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges. CCN sends Behavioral Health best practice emails to community partners, child care providers and families.

CCN is currently developing a schedule to offer virtual learning opportunities for child care providers and families, to begin in January 2021 and the first quarter report for the grant was submitted on October 31st.

 ACTION: Finalize Behavioral Health training schedule and partners (Amber)

Community Foundation of SW WA Behavioral Health Grant: $25,000
Help for At-Risk Youth with Behavioral Issues in Child Care | Awarded Dec 2019
Current Expenditures: $452.00 | Remaining Balance: $12,237.35

The Behavioral Health funding provides technical assistance and training for childcare providers who serve children with behavioral issues and offers training and resources for family members who have children with behavioral challenges. The Network applied for Cycle 2 funding.

CCN will plan to offer one or more virtual book clubs, to begin in January 2021.

 ACTION: Help to choose books and subject matter for virtual book clubs (Kay and Louise)
 ACTION: Finalize book club schedule, book purchases, and develop virtual platforms (Amber)

WA Department of Commerce/Seattle Foundation Child Care Partnership Grant $60,000
Child Care Access Report | Awarded Sep 2020
Current Request: $408.00 | Remaining Balance: $59,275.00

This grant was awarded in the amount of $30,000 in reimbursable funds from the Dept of Commerce and $30,000 in upfront funding from the Seattle Foundation. Monthly invoices reflect the split in funding. Child Care Partnership funding CCN supports local partnerships to develop action plans that stabilize and expand child care capacity for underserved areas and for historically marginalized communities. The project funds the supplemental work of the Cowlitz Community Charter as outlined in the 2020 Annual Agenda and Objectives.

CCN is scheduled to meet with grant funders on Monday, November 23rd.

The Child Care Access Report Work Group has held its first meeting and will help determine study guidelines, report metrics and methods, conduct research, help identify immediate needs, and compile information to create an accurate report of the local child care crisis. Michael is the Board representative on the Work Group.

The Family Engagement Work Group is scheduled to meet on November 18th and will determine the best ways to engage with the families served to conduct interviews, surveys and forums, collect stories and share information, and prioritize strategies to address the specific care needs of local families. Tiffany is the Board representative on the Work Group.

The Outreach and Advocacy work group is scheduled to meet in December and will help make the report available to stakeholders and the public at large, develop and implement a public relations and marketing strategy, plan and carry out public events, and prioritize strategies to improve capacity and increase access to child care. Kay and Louise are the Board representatives on the Work Group.

Board Updates
The Draft Policies and Procedures and Draft Bylaws were sent to members for review prior to the meeting. Members discussed document revisions and updates to the Financial Policy. The Board will review the documents further and take action at the December meeting.

Motion to approve ordering a Debit card from Red Canoe Credit Union and the purchase of Zoom and Boast subscriptions online (Kay), second (Corie). The motion carried.

 ACTION: Order a Debit card from Red Canoe Credit Union and purchase subscriptions to Zoom and Boast (Amber).
 ACTION: Make Financial Policy updates and send drafts to the Board (Amber).
 ACTION: Review and provide revisions to the Draft Policies and Procedures and Draft Bylaws documents (Board).

Upcoming Events
There were no known upcoming community events.

Board Action Items

  1. Help to choose books and subject matter for virtual book clubs (Kay and Louise)
  2. Review and provide revisions to the Draft Policies and Procedures and Draft Bylaws documents (Board)

Staff Action Items

  1. Finalize Financial Literacy training schedule and partners
  2. Finalize Behavioral Health training schedule and partners
  3. Finalize book club schedule, book purchases, and develop virtual platforms
  4. Order a Debit card from Red Canoe Credit Union and purchase subscriptions to Zoom and Boast
  5. Make Financial Policy updates and send drafts to the Board

Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 11:30am-1pm